
Posts Tagged ‘Us.’

Hey baby I’m a country man

We just got back from a WONDERFUL weekend away with our best friends!! A very generous family we work with at church let us use their cabin in Copperhill, TN (just over the GA/TN border near Blue Ridge, GA) to get away and enjoy the beautiful fall weather, changing leaves, and quiet mountain living. We watched the Dawgs beat Vandy on Saturday, went apple picking in Ellijay, and ate chicken fried steak at the Circle J… Trey’s favorite part about the Circle J is that they gave him his very own pitcher or sweet tea and bucket of ice. Before heading home to star gaze in the hot tub, we stopped for a few games of bowling at the Fannin Family Fun Lanes.

On Sunday we slept in, made breakfast, and then got ready to go for a day hike. There was only one small problem… we didn’t know where any good trails were. So we drove into town and asked a gas station attendant where there was a good day hike near by. The following was her response: Go back to the three-way stop, turn left and go until the highway turns into a four lane road. Take a left at the beer store and go all the way down that road until you’ve crossed over two concrete bridges. When you get to the fork in the road, veer left and you’ll get to Dudley Gap which is a nice little day hike (Trey swears she said Deadly Gap and that she called her uncles and told them she sent them some fresh hunting targets). Well, needless to say we drove around for about an hour and a half (probably veered left at 3 different forks in the road, winked three times at the tree with four limbs, and clapped twice when we passed JR’s chicken coop) and still never found Dudley (deadly) Gap. But we did enjoy the views and the country scenery and eventually gave up and ate our picnic lunch at a camp ground before heading home for naps after our grueling hike. All in all, it was a much needed weekend in a beautiful place with great friends. Enjoy a few pics:

Apple Picking

Apple Picking

1/2 Peck of Apples

1/2 Peck of Apples

Post-non-hike picnic

Post-non-hike picnic

View from the Cabin

View from the Cabin

How it feels to lose at Canasta

How it feels to lose at Canasta

Best Buds


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Sweet Relief

Heading out of town in a few minutes and this is what I’ll be looking at all weekend:

Happy Fall 🙂

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I’m lovin it…

And no I’m not talking about McDonald’s (though I’ve been known to down the 2 cheeseburger meal once or twice in my life… can I get an Amen Rebekah?)

In honor of trying to keep my thought-life positive and lovely, I thought I’d share a few things I love right now.

1. My husband

2. The changing leaves (even though we’ve hit the mid-80’s again this week… in October!?!)

3. Having fish-sticks in the freezer and a box of mac-n-cheese in the pantry for a quick, easy dinner on a busy weeknight… reminds me of when I was little and we’d have a babysitter and argue about who got the bigger portion of macaroni. 🙂 Oh the simpler times.

4. Biggest Loser– New episode tonight!!

5. An upcoming 3-day weekend away with our best friends! We’re going to a beautiful cabin in the mountains of Copperhill, TN… thanks to some generous friends at church that offered their free log cabin for our getaway.

6. Free things (see above).

7. Jeff Henderson’s message at church yesterday and the song Candi Pearson-Shelton sang at the end. The sermon was so appropriate for the struggles facing our nation– it was all about how we spend so much of our lives trying to “project an image that is contrary to our real selves” and the good news is Jesus came for the real you, not the illusion of you, or the fake you.

8. Being halfway through the fall semester! Only 9 more weeks until Christmas break!

9. Onion Dip and Ruffles.

10. The comfort and encouragement in Isaiah 40:28-31.

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Workin for the weekend

I believe it is officially fall here in Georgia. The weather is perfect, the leaves are beginning to change colors, and Trey and I went to a pumpkin carving party with some friends tonight (btw, I carved the pumpkin, Trey cleaned it out).



Mom, Katie and I had a good time visiting Dana in Athens yesterday before the UGA v Tenn game. She and her roommates had a tailgate at their AWESOME house on Milledge, so we enjoyed some mom/daughter time with good food and good weather before we drove back to ATL to watch the game on tv.

And now… after getting home late, ready to shower and hit the sack… we find that the toilet has sprung a leak. We enlisted Mighty Putty to fix the job (one of my many impulse buys over the summer) … So we’re waiting to turn the water on, praying that the toilet will stop leaking so we can shower and go to bed.

The leaky part is called a "female ball cock"... no lie.

**update– The Mighty Putty is not so mighty after all.

***2nd update– My husband, however, is mighty and saved the day. What a handy man! 2 hours later we can shower and go to bed.

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Welcome to our life.

After many months of faithful blog stalking, I’ve decided to enter into this world and blog about my own experiences as a newlywed and new teacher. Why? Not sure– but if I can get sucked into random blogs and enjoy reading about people I have never met and never will meet, I figure someone out there will get a kick out of the “crazy” life Trey and I live.

We’ve been married for about a year and nine months… but there are many days when we sit down together after a long day apart and still can’t believe we are lucky enough to be going through this busy, stressful, and wonderful life together. I am in my second year of teaching high school English and love my job. It’s exhausting work that never ends– but I can’t really see myself doing anything else that makes me feel as useful and fulfilled. Trey is a service technician for his Dad’s electronics company and is working very hard to learn and understand the installation and service side of the business before he moves into more of a marketing/sales/management role (if all goes as planned… which it never does…). We both feel very blessed to have good jobs that we enjoy 90% of the time.

We are about to embark on an exciting and scary adventure of looking to purchase our first house… which we know absolutely nothing about. So I’m sure that will present many an interesting rant or freak out! But- life in Decatur, GA is sweet and simple for now. Most nights these days you’ll find me on the couch, in my sweatpants, either grading papers, reading, watching reality tv, or shamelessly begging for a foot rub. Those same nights you’ll find Trey at our laptop religiously pouring over fantasy football stats and espn fantasy videos, drafting his newest “hilarious” fantasy message board post, offering or denying fantasy trades, or rubbing my feet with one hand while “dominating” his fantasy league with the other. Nobody every accused us of being party animals… 🙂 But we like it that way and wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Unfortunately my time has come to an end… Monday night football is starting and there is a stat tracker to be loaded… RIP quality time with the hubby 🙂

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